Archive for November 19th, 2015

Millennials: Poets or Quants?

November 19, 2015

Not so fast.

According to the Washington Post, ETS (the College Board folks) analyzed the results of a test given by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The test was meant to assess adult skill levels in 3 areas: problem-solving, literacy and “numeracy”..

ETS broke out the numbers for U.S. millennials, defined as people 16 to 34 years old..

The vast majority of American test-takers lacked a high school degree

The bottom line: in problem solving, U.S. millennials second from the bottom … edging out Poland,


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Of course, problem solving is a blend of quant skills (numeracy) and language skills (literacy).

How did our millennials stack up as poets and quants?
