Archive for the ‘Data analytics’ Category

The limits of data analytics …

April 26, 2017

Team Clinton worshiped at the altar and got burned.


One of the themes in the book Shattered was that theClinton campaign got fixated on their data-rich electorate models, applying the models robot-like to allocate ad dollars, deploy field workers and schedule “market visits” by Hillary and her surrogates.


What Team Clinton seemed to have forgotten is the old Reagan adage: trust but verify.

The data models – which worked near-flawlessly for Obama – took the stage as “shiny objects” that led the Clinton campaign astray.

Politico reported a case study that  illustrated the point …


The limits of data analytics …

January 19, 2017

Team Clinton worshipped at the altar and got burned.


Lots of post-election articles about how the Clinton campaign got fixated on their data-rich electorate models, using them to allocate ad dollars, deploy field workers and schedule “market visits” by Hillary and her surrogates.


What Team Clinton seemed to have forgotten is the old Reagan adage: trust but verify.

The data models – which worked near-flawlessly for Obama – took stage as “shiny objects” that led the Clinton campaign astray.

Politico reported a case study that  illustrated the point …
