Archive for April 3rd, 2017

What percentage of babies are born on Medicaid?

April 3, 2017

Make your guess before peeking ….


Medicaid took center stage during the repeal & replace drama … so, I’ve been more alert to Medicaid news.

Let’s put today’s question in context.

According to MSN:

Over the past five decades, Medicaid has surpassed Medicare in the number of Americans it covers.

It has grown gradually into a behemoth that provides for the medical needs of one in five Americans — 74 million people.

For comparison … about half are on employer-based plans and “only” 14% are on Medicare.



Here’s the geographic spread, according to the Kaufman Family Foundation:


Note the heavy Medicaid density in the West … and the relatively light density in the Heartland.


OK, you have your frame of reference: about 20% of Americans on Medicaid.

So, what percentage of babies are born on Medicaid?
