Archive for October 10th, 2016

Game on: Debate shines a light on another disgusting tape.

October 10, 2016

This one has been hiding in plain sight for a long time.

I’d been wondering why this tape has largely gone unnoticed by folks.

Maybe, because it’s damning to Hillary, not Donald?

Well, it’s likely to get noticed now.


In one of his tirades about Clintonian women abuse, Trump landed a body blow:

“One of the women, who is a wonderful woman, at 12 years old, was raped at 12,” Trump said. “Her client she (Clinton) represented got him off, and she’s heard laughing (on tape) on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped.”



According to the Washington Post

The attack on Clinton has less to do with the fact that she defended an accused rapist and more to do with how she did it and what she said about the case later

Specifically, it focuses on her efforts to attack the girl’s credibility and allegations that she spoke callously about getting the man a reduced charge, despite appearing to suggest he had been guilty.

The attack plays into twin allegations about Clinton’s character:

1) That she lacks a moral compass and will do whatever is advantageous to her, and

2) That she’s a hypocrite who says one thing today about sexual assault but did the opposite decades ago.


Here are few more snippets from the Washington Post’s recap of the story …
