Archive for the ‘Warren, Elizabeth’ Category

What if Warren wins?

October 3, 2019

“Resist” may be alive and well … with the tables turned


Yesterday we ran through a couple of scenarios if Trump did end up getting bounced from office.

The scenarios assumed that Trump would still run in 2020, probably against Warren, maybe with a “moderate” independent jumping in.

My bet: Trump would be be re-elected.


Largely because Trump supporters would turn out in droves, angry that their votes were overturned by flimsy political machinations … and because:


“In recent interviews of several big-money Democratic donors and fundraisers in the business community, CNBC has found that this opinion is becoming widely shared as Warren surges against Joe Biden.”

Specifically, big bank executives and hedge fund managers that electing Warren would be tantamount to “shutting down their industry.”

And, oh yeah, there’s that wealth tax that she has been proposing.


Even while pulling back their support, some Wall Streeters are strategizing for a possible life under President Warren…


Which is more “authentic”?

January 15, 2019

Ad agencies (and voters) harp on authenticity.

You know, presenting yourself as you really are … rather than exhibiting a  fake persona.

Let’s illustrate the concept…

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren tried to jumpstart her presidential  ambitions (and erase the memories of her laughable DNA test).

At a climatic moment, she expressed her need for a cold one and started to chug a bee.

Authentic or not?


Her nemesis – President Trump – scored it as inauthentic, noting that it would have seemed more authentic if she had been wearing her native headdress.



Speaking of President Trump…


Should Elizabeth Warren take a DNA test?

May 4, 2018

Let’s end our DNA series on a statistical note…

As I’m sure you know, President Trump often calls Senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” … a reference to her claim of Native American ancestry.

Nobody seems to deny the fact that she self-classified herself as a Native American and “person of color” on her academics records.

Skeptics say that was to secure minority preferences.

Supporters say “so what?” … she might be and there’s no evidence of preferential treatment.



So, how to resolve this thorny issue?


Why Hillary won’t pick Warren for V.P.

May 26, 2016

Elizabeth Warren went on the warpath yesterday against Donald Trump …

“In a speech at the Center for Popular Democracy’s annual gala, the progressive stalwart took aim at Trump’s business record and populist rhetoric during a 10-minute invective.” CNN

Warren prompted pundits to elevate the prospects of a Clinton-Warren ticket.

Add some charisma and excitement to the ticket. Check!

Successful audition as an attack dog against the other party’s Presidential candidate. Check!

Lasso in some (most? all?) of Bernie’s supporters. Check!

Create a dramatic, historical all-female ticket. Check!



All good reasons why to do it.

But, there are also reasons against Hillary picking Warren …
